Thursday 16 July 2009

Marwa Sheribini, The Hijabi Martyr

Marwa al-Sherbini, a 32-year-old Egyptian who was about four months pregnant and wore the hijab, had pressed charges against her neighbour, Alex W, an immigrant from Russia of German heritage. He had harassed her, calling her a terrorist and was set to testify against him when he stabbed her 18 times inside a courtroom in front of her 3-year-old son on July 1 in Dresden. Al-Sherbini’s husband came to her aid and was also stabbed by the assailant and shot in the leg by a security guard who mistook him for the attacker, German prosecutors said. He is now in critical condition in a German hospital, according to al-Sherbini's brother.

She was stabbed 18 times, not in some dark alley. Not in some dangerous neighbourhood. In the bright lights of a courtroom, where we would assume there were armed police. Yes, this happened. But who reported it? What did he use to stab? Shouldn't he been checked under police custody? 18 times? Isn't once quick enough to stop him? 18 times??

The murderer had previously been fined for calling her a "terrorist" for wearing the Islamic hijab or headscarf, and was in court to appeal against his conviction.

Marwa Sherbini is a martyr.

This is the Europe we live in. This is an extreme example of European Islamophobia, especially because of the initially muted reaction to the crime in Germany and the rest of the world.
On Tuesday, German government spokesman Thomas Steg defended the reaction, saying Germany had "not been silent", and that early details about the case had not been sufficiently clear for a "spontaneous reaction".

Right. Can you imagine if it was in Egypt that a German woman was stabbed for not wearing hijab. Just imagine for a second the kind of reporting that would ensue. This again reminds us that what we consider news is incidents that follow one agenda and one conclusion. Anything that happens that doesn’t follow this agenda is simply ignored.

"We are thinking of naming one of the city's streets after her," said Dresden’s immigration officer Marita Schieferdecker-Adolph. I would be laughing if the situation wasn’t so sad. Naming a street doesn’t change prejudice, and the whole underlying problems that brought the lady to court in the first place.

Mashallah, she is not dead. She is a Martyr, she is in Jannah INSHALLAH.

It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “He who is wounded in the Cause of Allah will come on the Day of Judgment with his wound bleeding. The color (of its discharge) will be the color of blood, (but) its smell will be the smell of musk. ‏” (Agreed upon hadith )

Jihad includes standing up for Islam. She opposed the sick stereotype imposed on Muslims today. “Terrorist”. She wore hijab with dignity and pride in following what Allah prescribed for us. Surely, she is a Mujaheed.

The Noble Qur'an 2:216 Jihâd (fighting/struggling in Allâh's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allâh knows but you do not know.
3:142] Do you expect to enter Paradise without GOD distinguishing those among you who strive, and without distinguishing those who are steadfast?

Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of GOD are dead; they are alive at their Lord, enjoying His provisions.
They are rejoicing in GOD's grace, and they have good news for their comrades who did not die with them, that they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
They have good news of GOD's blessings and grace, and that GOD never fails to reward the believers.
For those who respond to GOD and the messenger, despite the persecution they suffer, and maintain their good works, and lead a righteous life, a great reward.
When the people say to them, "People have mobilized against you; you should fear them," this only strengthens their faith, and they say, "GOD suffices us; He is the best Protector."




Stacy K. said...

It makes me sick how this story was ignored for the most part in Western media. Not only that, but that this brutal murder took place in a courtroom with many witnesses present. Do you have any idea how long it would take to stab a person 18 times?! It just makes me sick.
Remember her husband and child in your duas.
Her story makes it that much more important for the rest of us to stand up for our faith and ideals.

John ILJ said...

I am completely in lack of words to discribe the deep deep disgust and anger I feel toward this psychopath of a humanbeing, this Germ/russ. who perpetrated this bestialic murder against a defenseless woman.
Not only was this perpetrated against a defenceless woman but without the least try to interfere from the court community of idle onlookers.
This incident cries to heaven and to the hole globe with a hint from a pole of a wagon how Germans (if not people in the hole western world) is sunk so deep in troubles of psychiatrical nature.
This man IS sick, (if not completely insane) and if somebody claim otherwise, it just substantiate my point.

THE WESTERN WORLD IS SICK. - and I want to apolegize to the muslim world not only for the loss of this wonderfull young lady who stood up to her rights, Marwa Ali el Sheribini, but for every single muslim victim caused by the US / GWBush instigated mendacious war against 'terrorism' (because they hate our freedom). it really gets me sick.

we miss you Marva Ali Sheribini.
rest in peace

John ILJ said...

I am completely in lack of words to discribe the deep deep disgust and anger I feel toward this psychopath of a humanbeing, this Germ/russ. who perpetrated this bestialic murder against a defenseless woman.
Not only was this perpetrated against a defenceless woman but without the least try to interfere from the court community of idle onlookers.
This incident cries to heaven and to the hole globe with a hint from a pole of a wagon how Germans (if not people in the hole western world) is sunk so deep in troubles of psychiatrical nature.
This man IS sick, (if not completely insane) and if somebody claim otherwise, it just substantiate my point.

THE WESTERN WORLD IS SICK. - and I want to apolegize to the muslim world not only for the loss of this wonderfull young lady who stood up to her rights, Marwa Ali el Sheribini, but for every single muslim victim caused by the US / GWBush instigated mendacious war against 'terrorism' (because they hate our freedom). it really gets me sick.

we miss you Marva Ali Sheribini.
rest in peace